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Showing results 1-15 of 17

  1. A guide to navigating GST for unit title body corporates

    The recent interpretation statement for unit title body corporate sets out how GST applies to transactions between a unit title body corporate, its members and third-party suppliers...

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  2. Buckle up for NZ Tax Changes

    What’s in store for the field of taxation in New Zealand under the National-led ensemble? Let’s go through some of the key tax policies they have proposed and how they might impact you and your...

  3. When can companies and other entities form a GST group?

    Inland Revenue has released two drafts statements on GST group registration...

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  4. Operation Protego (GST fraud) – Ethical considerations

    CAs who become aware of a person’s involvement in fraudulent activity are reminded of relevant ethical rules applying to accountants...

  5. Property purchase or business set-up costs – How can I get the GST back?

    What you need to know about obtaining a GST refund...

  6. Is it time to apply GST rules on accommodation and ride-sharing?

    CA ANZ is not convinced that there is a compelling case to amend the GST rules to require marketplace operators to collect and return GST on accommodation and ride-sharing...

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  7. Key GST apportionment changes in the recent tax bill

    The GST apportionment rules can be a source of frustration to those looking to apply them. Following a review, Inland Revenue has introduced several amendments into the current tax bill to make it...

  8. Q&A on bright-line and interest limitation rules

    The New Zealand Tax Team has compiled some interesting questions on property bright-line and interest limitation rules that members asked during our recent Tax Roadshow...

  9. Political paralysis on tax reform will plaque generations to come

    Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand has called on both sides of politics to face up to tax reform and engage with the Australian community in the lead-up to the Federal Election...

  10. Purchase Price Allocation Rules now apply

    Members acting for clients in the sale and purchase of a business or commercial property should be aware that new rules now apply to the allocation of the sale price to the different asset classes...

  11. Continuity changes a win for innovating businesses

    We learnt last year that our best mechanism for recovery from COVID-19 is for New Zealand businesses to grow our way out. But until now, for many businesses looking to grow our tax settings were an...

  12. GST implications of using Airbnbs for business travel

    The rise of Airbnbs and similar home sharing platforms have created more options for business travel. But what happens when the platform doesn’t issue a valid GST invoice?...

  13. Cryptocurrencies, Coca-Cola and compliance

    Inland Revenue have recently updated their guidance on cryptocurrencies. Our Senior Tax Advocate Jolayne Trim outlines key points to consider...

  14. NZ Tax Roadshow in April and May

    If you haven’t already registered for our NZ Tax Roadshow, our Tax Team will be coming to a town near you in April and May 2019. There are so many changes and proposals in the tax world this year...

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