Media releases

Highlighting our commentary and advocacy on key policy areas and our diverse, talented and financially astute members

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Showing results 1-6 of 6

  1. NZ tax bill injects uncertainty and costs into business sales

    Tax legislation which will add uncertainty and increased costs to sale negotiations of New Zealand businesses is expected to come into effect from 1 July 2021...

  2. Coronavirus has infected the Australian economy and the stimulus package could be the prescription

    The Australian Government’s $17.6 billion dollar economic stimulus package presents a unique chance for small-medium sized businesses to take the economic fight to coronavirus...

  3. Small business tax avoiders costing Australians billions

    The ATO Small Business Tax Gap report released today highlights a $11.1 billion tax gap, almost two-thirds of this credited to black economy behaviour such as not declaring income, workers paid cash ‘...

  4. CA ANZ responds to release of discussion paper on the Tax Practitioners Board

    CA ANZ applauds the close examination of the independence of the Tax Practitioners Board following the recent release of the Discussion Paper on the review of the TPB...

  5. Concern over latest IR Use of Money Interest Rates

    Inland Revenue creates favourable situation for itself for interest rates it charges and pays NZ taxpayers...