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Showing results 31-45 of 102

  1. Report – Positive future for financial advice

    New report outlines future of financial advice and the role for accountants...

  2. Is capitalism dysfunctional? This former McKinsey boss says so

    Short-termism and timid leaders have put capitalism on the wrong path, says IIRC chair Dominic Barton. But it can be fixed...

  3. Are multidisciplinary firms good for audit quality?

    New report examines the relationship between multidisciplinary firms and audit quality...

  4. 6 shortcuts to the finance business partnering mindset

    Finance business partners translate finance into something useful for non-finance folk, but it needs the right mindset...

  5. How Richard Francis FCA gave paper the flick and built a business

    Richard Francis FCA led the charge for accountants to go paperless, and education and thought leadership still propel Spotlight Reporting’s success...

  6. Out-of-date safety nets fail modern workers

    With workers facing increasingly casualised employment, social safety nets need urgent updating, according to an OECD report...

  7. Cyber and the CFO

    Cyberattacks pose a huge financial risk, but are CFOs stepping up as they should to improve cyber resilience?...

  8. How technology will allow audit to look forwards not backwards

    Research from CA ANZ and ACCA details how technology is transforming audit...

  9. The future is Asian. But are we?

    Where do Australia and New Zealand sit in a new world order based on the Eurasian continent? Ask Dr Parag Khanna...

  10. Comments on Tax Practitioners Board Letters of Engagement draft practice note

    Comments submitted to the TPB on the use of engagement letters on 10 June 2019...

  11. Why you need a bigger business idea than the pursuit of profits

    How do you build a company the world will get behind? By listening to the new C.E.Os – Customers, Employees and Outsiders...

  12. What a Joko Widodo victory in Indonesia means for Australian business

    Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo looks set for a second term. How could his ambitious economic targets impact Australia?...

  13. Rebuild public trust right from the top

    How can chartered accountants retain public trust when financial institutions have lost it? Ethical leadership is a start...

  14. Australia vs NZ fiscal policy: who wins the trans-Tasman cup?

    Fiscal policy ought to help manage an economy’s ups and downs. So who has played the fiscal policy game best over 20 years?...

  15. Big data, climate risk and emotion will change accounting

    What trends are shaping accountancy’s future? We ask new Accounting Hall of Fame inductee Professor Wai-Fong Chua AM FCA...