Date posted: 30/10/2019 2 min read

Submission on action for healthy waterways

Action for healthy waterways

The Ministry for the Environment called for submissions on the Action for healthy waterways: a discussion document on national direction for essential freshwater. 

This discussion document proposes new requirements that are intended to both quickly stop water quality getting worse and sets out a path to healthier freshwater in a generation. The regulations would require different actions in different regions and catchments. 

Key points from our submission include:

  • Given the importance and the potential effects of the policy, we have concerns around the limited time frames that are set out to review the extensive documents and to offer constructive feedback.
  • We consider a quantitative assessment of the potential economic impacts of the package is essential to a full understanding of all the implications. We support recommendations made by the Freshwater Leaders Group in July 2019.
  • We suggest further research may be needed to determine the appropriate levels for New Zealand’s waterways, particularly for Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) and Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP). 

We thank our members operating in and with the rural sector who contributed and helped us shape our submission to the proposals. 

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