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Showing results 1-15 of 15

  1. Report: The future of financial reporting

    The global shift towards digital financial reporting is transforming data accessibility, transparency and decision-making...

  2. How Richard Francis FCA gave paper the flick and built a business

    Richard Francis FCA led the charge for accountants to go paperless, and education and thought leadership still propel Spotlight Reporting’s success...

  3. Out-of-date safety nets fail modern workers

    With workers facing increasingly casualised employment, social safety nets need urgent updating, according to an OECD report...

  4. Cyber and the CFO

    Cyberattacks pose a huge financial risk, but are CFOs stepping up as they should to improve cyber resilience?...

  5. Why you need a bigger business idea than the pursuit of profits

    How do you build a company the world will get behind? By listening to the new C.E.Os – Customers, Employees and Outsiders...

  6. Big data, climate risk and emotion will change accounting

    What trends are shaping accountancy’s future? We ask new Accounting Hall of Fame inductee Professor Wai-Fong Chua AM FCA...

  7. Do the experiment before the business case

    Pete Williams CA of Deloitte Australia’s Centre for the Edge says innovation works best when you start small and leave the business case at the door...

  8. Will job-cutting technologies change labour demand?

    In the face of new technologies, nations and their governments should concentrate on mastering technologies and seizing opportunities...

  9. A Generation X perspective

    For generation X, personal reinvention and upskilling have become a normal part of everyday working life. Where to next?...

  10. How Australian universities must change in a digital world

    A recent world study tour aims to bridge the gap between industry and university business schools...

  11. Five tips for successful technology innovation

    Make your business work faster, smarter and better by taking an inventory of processes, then using technology to create positive change...

  12. Thinking computers

    Educating your staff about the opportunities provided by artificial intelligence (AI) can help alleviate a fear of robot “job stealers” and increase engagement and productivity...

  13. The Future of Blockchain

    The Future of Blockchain: Applications and Implications of Distributed Ledger Technology...