Professional Standards Council Levy

The Professional Standards Council (PSC) levy applies to all Australian holders of a CPP, affiliate members and practice entity members whose services benefit from the Professional Standards Scheme.

The Professional Standards Council (PSC) levy that appears on your membership invoice is determined by the Professional Standards Council, with the addition of a small fee to cover the costs of administering the system. The PSC levy is charged according to practice size, and is split into bands.

How is practice size calculated?

Practice size is determined by the number of principals in the practice – the more principals, the higher the levy.

I am a CPP holder who works for one practice but I also hold a CPP to conduct my own services as a sole practitioner. Which rate will apply?

The levy should be calculated based on how many principals your CPP relates to; that is, sole practitioner equates to a practice size with one principal. This calculation will depend on the purpose for which you hold your CPP - for example, to conduct work as a sole practitioner or to conduct work for the practice where you work.

What are the PSC levy bands?

There are six PSC levy bands:

Practice size principal(s) PSC levy (incl GST)
1* $66
2 $99
3-4 $145
5-9 $218
10-19 $290
20+ $297
Practice Entity Membership (PEM) $66

*Practice size of 1 principal includes: all one-partner firms; full CPP holders in commerce; full CPP holders and affiliates who have not nominated the segment in which they work; full CPP holders who are not principals.

I already pay a PSC levy as a CPP holder. Does my practice entity also have to pay a PSC levy?

Yes, any entity holding a practice entity membership (PEM) will get a separate invoice with their PEM renewal form for a flat fee of $66 (incl GST). This is because practice entity members (PEM) are members of the scheme in their own right; in addition, as a member holding a Certificate of Public Practice (CPP), you are also part of the scheme. The renewal form will confirm that the PEM requirements have been met and that you wish to continue holding PEM membership for your incorporated entity.

Who receives my practice entity membership (PEM) renewal form?

When you submit your PEM application form, there will be a practice entity representative listed. This is the person who will receive your PEM renewal with the PSC levy payment details.

The PSC website reflects the annual fee as $50 per participant of the scheme but my invoice reads $66 or more. Why is there a difference?

The PSC Levy is determined by the Professional Standards Council (PSC) and what you will see on your invoice includes an additional $11 (incl GST) to cover the costs of administering the system. This covers our reporting requirements, our annual independent audit certificate to verify membership numbers to the PSC, and collection and reimbursement requirements for the annual fees paid on behalf of members to the PSC each quarter.

Also, rates are subject to the PSC levy bands in consideration of the size of your firm.

I work at a branch of a practice. How is the PSC levy determined in this situation?

The Professional Standards Council (PSC) levy is based on which office you belong to; for example, if you work at your firm’s Sydney office, it would be based on how many principals are in the Sydney office.

I am a CPP holder who also holds a full Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) and I'm an authorised representative of a full AFSL. Does the PSC levy apply to me?

Yes. Under the new CA ANZ Professional Standards Scheme, holders of a full AFSL and/or authorized representatives of a full AFSL are no longer excluded; therefore, the PSC levy does apply to you.

I am a CPP holder working overseas. Does the PSC levy apply to me?

No. If you are overseas, neither the scheme nor the levy apply to you.

I am a CPA member who holds a CPA Public Practice Certificate. Do I have to pay the PSC levy?

If you hold a CPA Public Practice Certificate and also hold a Certificate of Public Practice with CA ANZ, you need to pay the PSC levy.

If you hold a CPA Public Practice Certificate and have applied for an exemption from holding a CPP with CA ANZ, then the PSC levy does not apply to you.

I realise that I should have requested a CPD exemption and so have applied for one. Should I wait for this to be processed before answering the CPD question on my Mandatory Notifications?

No. You can proceed with completing your membership renewal. If we find your CPD hours are insufficient, we will assess your CPD exemption application first, before contacting you.

Have more questions?

We are here to help. Please contact our Member Support Team on [email protected] or 1300 137 322 (Australia); 0800 469 422 (New Zealand) or +64 4 474 7840 (outside AU and NZ).

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