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  1. Finance teams must leave their comfort zone and champion forward-looking analytics

    The technological revolution represents an unprecedented chance for finance professionals to champion and lead the use of data analysis, broadening their influence...

  2. Using analytics to drive business forward

    The Analytics in Finance and Accounting paper examines the benefits of using forward-looking analytics data, and the risks finance teams face in not embracing these tools...

  3. How technology will allow audit to look forwards not backwards

    Research from CA ANZ and ACCA details how technology is transforming audit...

  4. How data will change the future of audit

    The world is watching you. Accounting and audit are set to become the main ways that democratic societies protect themselves from the tyranny of big data...

  5. What drives unethical behaviour?

    Our latest white paper examines why people make unethical decisions in business, and what we can do to stop it...