Practice Peer Support
Connect with other sole practitioners to share experiences, strategies and insights.
Our Practice Peer Support program is focused on the unique needs of sole practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. Throughout this program, mentees are able to gain advice, build professional connections and develop strategies for coping with increased workload. Mentors are encouraged to apply who are able to provide valuable insights and guidance based on individual experience. The program is hosted in a virtual and non-competitive environment that allows each mentee to obtain valuable insights and knowledge, whilst earning up to 8 CPD hours.
What is involved?
Applicants will complete a profile questionnaire to submit with their application. Members are assigned to small mentoring groups centred around common practice issues.
Confirmed mentoring groups will be invited to our Mentoring Connections event. Participants are expected to meet online with their mentoring group four times over the period of the program.
All members who participate in the program will be provided with a guide, action plan and relevant supporting materials. We will also regularly check in with participants and provide general support.