Date posted: 19/08/2022

Conduct Review Terms of Reference

In brief

  • A Professional Conduct Framework Review is commencing.
  • The terms of reference have been set, and a QC has been named to review the initial findings.
  • We’re encouraging feedback, and will be engaging members on this review over the coming months.

CA ANZ has today announced the terms of reference for the Professional Conduct Framework Review and appointed Former Federal Court justice, the Hon. Dennis Cowdroy AO QC, to provide an independent assessment of the Review findings and recommendations.

This review is vital to ensuring that our professional conduct By-Laws and rules remain in line with global best practice.

CA ANZ Chief Executive Officer Ainslie van Onselen is encouraging all members to have their say in this important review.

The Review will be coordinated and overseen by the Professional Conduct Framework Review Committee, established by the Board pursuant to By-Law 128A, and jointly chaired by the Chair of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer.

The purpose of the Committee is to:

  1. Review the CA ANZ By-Laws, NZICA Rules and the CA ANZ Regulations applicable to the Australian and New Zealand professional conduct and disciplinary functions;

  2. Review the professional conduct committee and tribunal structures and administrative arrangements;

  3. Review the scope and content of supporting materials for Members relating to ethical disclosure obligations; and

  4. Review CA Program academic integrity policies with the professional conduct and discipline By-Laws and Regulations, considering specifically how academic misconduct is notified and addressed.  Members of CA ANZ and members of the public will be entitled to make submissions to inform the review.

CA ANZ and the committee will proactively conduct member engagement on the review, and submissions can be made to [email protected], before the submissions deadline of 5:00pm AEST, 30 November 2022.

Professional Conduct Review announced

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