Submission on Priorities for the Australian Universities Accord
CA ANZ's submission to the Department of Education on our priorities for the review of Australia's higher education system.
CA ANZ's submission to the Department of Education on our priorities for the review of Australia's higher education system, to be led by the Australian Universities Accord Panel, focuses on:
- Meeting Australia's knowledge and skills needs, now and in the future
- Access and opportunity, including improving access to higher education and increasing access and participation of students from underrepresented backgrounds
- Investment and affordability, with a focus on review of the Job-ready Graduates Package
- Improving the connection between the vocational education and training and higher education systems.
Our key recommendations, which are discussed in further detail in the submission, are outlined below.
Immediate actions
- Make digital, financial and sustainability capability an integrated endeavour of all programs of learning.
- Commit ongoing funding to review and maintain the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).
- An outcome of the review of the Job-ready Graduates Package review should be reduced student contributions and increased Commonwealth contributions to the cost of degrees in Management and Commerce, including Accounting.
- Extend funding support to all TEQSA registered higher education providers, whether university or non-university.
- Review the National Microcredentials Framework and extend its coverage.
- Make the Microcredentials Marketplace more widely available.
- Recognise microcredentials and prior learning through independent assessment.
- Plan for a more ambitious rollout of the Government's Microcredentials pilot program.
- Provide funding to support the cost of undertaking micro-credentials and short courses.
Medium to longer-term recommendations
- Bring the processes for reviewing and updating the ANZSCO and Australian Skills Classification (ASC) together.
- Encourage and support pathways for First Nation’s People into business-relevant fields of work and study, and enhance the credentials of those already in business by investing in their business capabilities, including accounting and finance skills.
- Reintroduce participation targets for disadvantaged groups, not only for higher education but also for all post-secondary education.
- Facilitate more flexible pathways for entry of international students into Australian university degrees in areas of high demand including accounting, management and commerce.
- Extend the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) to recognise and reward shorter form qualifications, including microcredentials, offered by both traditional and non-traditional providers, alongside traditional formal qualifications.
- Provide lifelong learning entitlements that learners can draw upon over their lifetimes to fund their continuous learning and credentialing, approved with an expanded AQF.
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference for review of Australia’s higher education system.
Read the Terms of Reference