Date posted: 23/01/2023

Submission on Employment White Paper consultation

CA ANZ's submission to Treasury's Employment White Paper consultation, which builds on the outcomes of the Jobs and Skills Summit.

CA ANZ accepted an invitation from Treasurer Jim Chalmers to attend the Australian Government's Jobs and Skills Summit in Canberra on 1–2 September 2022 ('the Summit').

The Summit brought together governments, employers, civil society and unions to address the nation's most pressing economic and workforce challenges.

We also contributed to Treasury's subsequent Employment White Paper consultation which builds on the outcomes of the Summit, with a focus on the overarching objectives of full employment and productivity growth, along with women's economic participation and equality.

Our Employment White Paper submission addresses the terms of reference aligned with the priorities addressed by CA ANZ in the lead up to, and during, the Summit:

  • Pay equity, including the gender pay gap, opportunities for women and the benefits of a more inclusive workforce
  • Labour force participation, labour supply and improving employment opportunities.

We provide recommended immediate actions and long-term reforms, together with case studies from the accounting profession on:

  • Increasing and supporting women’s workforce participation
  • Reducing barriers and disincentives to work for women and other underrepresented groups
  • Improving labour market outcomes for people who face challenges in employment, particularly those who may experience discrimination
  • Skills, education and training, upskilling and reskilling needs
  • How governments and businesses can better integrate training with employment pathways
  • Migration settings as a complement to the domestic workforce
  • The long-term opportunities and challenges for Australia's migration system.

Employment White Paper TOR

Read about the Employment White Paper terms of reference (TOR).

Read the TOR

Acuity article on the Summit

Boosting workforce participation, closing gender pay gap priorities for CA ANZ.

Read the Acuity article

Accountants Daily on Summit outcomes

Raised migration cap, smoother visas, two wins for accounting.

Read Accountants Daily