Meritorious Service Awards

Awarding the exceptional volunteering effort of members who offer their time and skills to give back to their professional body.

This award recognises outstanding contribution to CA ANZ as a professional body such as through service on a Regional Council, a Committee or panel, or representing CA ANZ on joint panels, Government working groups or Inquiries. Three awards are bestowed each year in each region.

Nomination criteria 

Nominees must meet both criteria: 

  1. Outstanding and distinguished service to Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand over and above what is normally expected of an office bearer or could reasonably be expected through usual voluntary contribution to the organisation. 
  2. Being a ‘fit and proper person’ in the view of Council, including an exemplary membership record in the following areas: 
    o Conduct/discipline 
    o CPD compliance 
    o Financial compliance 
    o Quality Review (if applicable) 
    o Other membership issues that reflect on Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand or profession. 

Age and length of membership do not form part of the criteria. 

Selection process

Up to three recipients are chosen annually by the CA ANZ Council based on recommendations from Regional Councils or CA ANZ management.

Members are not able to submit Meritorious Service Award nominations directly but may discuss potential candidates for consideration with their Regional Council or CA ANZ Regional Manager.


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