Collection Statement

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (Chartered Accountants ANZ or We) collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information (as defined in applicable legislation) about the person named in this registration form.

What kinds of information is collected?
We will collect the personal information that you provide when you register an account with us.

We will also collect the personal information, including sensitive information that is provided in the application (including partially completed applications) for provisional membership.

We may also collect information about you from a third party (such as other professional bodies with which we have reciprocal arrangements).

Why do we collect your personal information?
We collect, use and disclose personal information for the following primary purposes:
(a) to process your registration for an account with us;
(b) to process your application for provisional membership, which is linked to your account;
(c) to communicate with you about your registration, your application and your membership (if applicable); and
(d) to manage and administer your account and/or membership.

If you do not provide your personal information we will not be able to process your registration or your application for provisional membership.

If you provide us with your consent, we may also use your personal information to provide you with information about services that may be of interest to you, including training and learning support options, re-enrolment periods and upcoming events.

Who will we disclose your personal information to?
We may disclose your personal information to our agents, contractors and service providers (such as where we outsource functions to third parties).

We may also disclose your information to local and international professional bodies, ASIC and other regulators and government and statutory bodies.

Will your information be disclosed to overseas recipients?
Chartered Accountants ANZ has related entities in the following jurisdictions outside Australia: New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong; and the U.K. It is likely that your personal information will be disclosed to recipients in the above jurisdictions. By accepting this Collection Statement, you consent to us disclosing your personal information to overseas recipients.

Chartered Accountants ANZ’s Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy sets out how Chartered Accountants ANZ handles your personal information including how you can seek to access and correct your information or raise a privacy concern with us and how it will be dealt with as well as details about the disclosure of your information to entities overseas.

Chartered Accountants ANZ may be contacted at:

1300 137 322 +61 2 9290 5660 (outside of Australia)
8am-6pm (AEST) Monday - Friday (excl. Public Holidays)
[email protected] 

New Zealand
0800 4 69422 +64 4 474 7840 (outside of New Zealand)
8am-6pm (NZ time)
Monday - Friday (excl. Public Holidays)
[email protected]