CA Career Mentoring

The CA Career Mentoring program can help you realise your career potential, challenge your thinking and build your personal brand while connecting you with the diverse CA community. As a mentee, you’ll be guided and supported by an experienced mentor who is ready to help you succeed on your career development journey. As a mentor, you’ll be able to nurture your leadership skills, gain new perspectives and give back to the community by making a difference to the next generation of CAs.

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Mentoring program refresh in 2024

With valuable input from members, we are thrilled to announce significant enhancements to the mentoring program:

  1. Mentor Exchange renamed: The program will now be known as CA Career Mentoring.
  2. Increased intakes: We will offer two intakes per year in May and October, allowing members greater flexibility.
  3. Focus on sole practitioners: Practice peer support program will shift its focus to sole practitioners, catering to their unique needs.
  4. Exclusive events: The program opening and closing events will transform into Mentoring Connections Events, exclusively for program participants and program alumni to learn and connect.

CA Career Mentoring Quiz

Not sure which CA Career Mentoring program to do? Take our quiz to find out which program is best for you.

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