Ending your CA membership

Your membership is more than just your designation. Membership is your key to discovery, unlocking bespoke opportunities that elevate your career with confidence, supporting you to become a trusted business partner.

Why stay a Member?

At the heart of your membership is your designation and its prestigious recognition in financial markets and economic services globally.

As a member, you belong to a community and professional body that shapes policy, advocates in the interests of the public good, and makes a difference to clients, businesses and the economy.

Access various training and development opportunities to support you in your career and drive your business forward, including the CA ANZ Member Benefits Program which provides a variety of carefully curated brands to support you in your personal and professional life.

Value of your membership

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Things to consider before ending your membership

If you resign, you can no longer refer to yourself as a CA or member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. The tenure of your membership will be broken should you apply for readmission in the future.

If there are any pending disciplinary action or professional conduct proceedings against you, or if you are currently subject to a review, your request to resign may be declined.

If you later decide to rejoin, you'll need to apply for re-admission. You can find more information about the re-admission process below.

CPD exemptions

We appreciate that resigning your membership is a decision that you haven’t taken lightly, and we would like to make sure that you are aware of the membership options available to you.

Members may be entitled to exemptions in the following circumstances:

  • If you have reduced working hours, you may be eligible for a concession as well as a CPD exemption.
  • If you have moved industries and are now in a non-accounting field.
  • If you have decided to take a career break, you may be eligible for a concession.
  • If you have retired you may be eligible for the retired concession, we would love to keep you as a member as your experience is invaluable to our newer members. You can still contribute through the mentor programme, local committees and events.

Reduced membership rates

Are you taking a career break? Are you retired or no longer in paid work? You might be able to continue your membership at a reduced rate.

If you are a retired member, you need to have an annual income of $50,000 (NZD or AUD) or less to be eligible for a reduced rate. For members on a career break, or on an annual income of $70,000 (NZD or AUD) or less, you may also be eligible for a concession.

Leaving public practice

If you hold a Certificate of Public Practice, this will cease to be valid. This may impact on your ability to hold other registrations or licenses. For those offering services in Australia this will mean removing coverage from the Professional Standards (Limitation of liability) scheme, which potentially puts a limit on the maximum amount that can be awarded for a legal claim against you.

By-Laws and Rules

The resignation rules are set out in the By-Laws and NZICA Rules.

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Not sure you want to resign your membership?

Get in touch for more information on alternative pathways to continuing your membership.

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Resigning from membership

We'll be sorry to see you go, but if you would like to end your membership, please let us know in writing by contacting [email protected]

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