Research and Insights

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Showing results 1-15 of 61

  1. Reforming the use of special purpose reporting

    Member feedback on the AASB proposals to reform special purpose reporting...

  2. 5 cybersecurity essentials for small business

    A cyber attack can be disastrous for accountants and financial advisers. Here’s how you can protect your business...

  3. Sustainability assurance – seize the opportunity

    A new CA ANZ publication has been released to help small to medium practitioners embrace sustainability assurance...

  4. Insights into key audit matters

    CA ANZ joint research report on the frequency and nature of key audit matters in ASX listed entity auditors’ reports in 2021...

  5. Key audit matters in Australia

    CA ANZ joint research report on the frequency and nature of key audit matters in ASX listed entity auditors’ reports in 2022...

  6. Climate risk in financial statements

    CA ANZ joint report on global research on the impact of climate-related risks on financial statements...

  7. 2022 Chartered Accountants IFRS Survey

    Feedback from the CA ANZ IFRS survey gives voice to Chartered Accountants’ views...

  8. Australian and New Zealand Financial Reporting Benchmarks 2021

    Annual benchmark and analysis research report on the reported financial performance and position of Australian and New Zealand listed companies...

  9. Attract, Retain, Engage: New research sheds light on the fight for audit talent

    CA ANZ & ACCA have released a new research report Attract, Retain, Engage: Insights and Recommendations for Audit Talent Success that reveals persistent challenges for the profession...

  10. CA ANZ launches annual benchmark and research insights reports

    CA ANZ joint financial reporting benchmarks and data-driven research insights reports with the University of Melbourne and the University of Queensland...

  11. Public supports wider audit scope

    Survey shows public support for the role of auditors to be expanded into areas such as fraud detection and prevention of corporate collapses...

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