Research and Insights

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Showing results 1-15 of 31

  1. CA ANZ launches Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy

    CA ANZ has published its first DEI Report: 'How we come together will help us make a difference'...

  2. 2023 Climate Survey

    Findings from the 2023 climate survey shows members want more support and education in climate and sustainability...

  3. Attract, Retain, Engage: New research sheds light on the fight for audit talent

    CA ANZ & ACCA have released a new research report Attract, Retain, Engage: Insights and Recommendations for Audit Talent Success that reveals persistent challenges for the profession...

  4. Attracting and retaining talent in the audit profession

    A new conversation starter from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) aims to spark discussion about the workforce challenges and opportunities that audit firms currently face. It...

  5. Practical guidance on preparing for the ISSB’s sustainability disclosure standards

    To assist finance professionals and finance teams to prepare for mandatory sustainability reporting, CA ANZ and Deloitte have collaborated to launch a new series providing practical insights and...

  6. Climate-related risks are having an impact

    CA ANZ joint research report on the impact of climate-related risks on statutory financial statements and key audit matters in auditors’ reports...

  7. How technology will allow audit to look forwards not backwards

    Research from CA ANZ and ACCA details how technology is transforming audit...

  8. 2022 Climate Survey

    Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand’s annual climate survey is back in 2022...

  9. Report: The future of financial reporting

    The global shift towards digital financial reporting is transforming data accessibility, transparency and decision-making...

  10. Frequently Asked Questions on Nature

    CA ANZ and Governance Institute of Australia publishes FAQs on Nature-related Financial Disclosures...

  11. Climate risk in financial statements

    CA ANZ joint report on global research on the impact of climate-related risks on financial statements...

  12. Will technology disrupt our existing and future infrastructure?

    future[inc] thought leadership paper from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand - Will technology disrupt our existing and future infrastructure?...

  13. Using analytics to drive business forward

    The Analytics in Finance and Accounting paper examines the benefits of using forward-looking analytics data, and the risks finance teams face in not embracing these tools...

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